00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 [email protected] % Carex lupulina, PA Ecotype Hop Sedge, PA Ecotype 86. 20 13. 0% Panicum. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. 60. 00 % Panicum virgatum, NJ Ecotype Switchgrass, NJ Ecotype 14. 60 2. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 20. 4% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 0. 0% Panicum virgatum, NJ Ecotype (Switchgrass, NJ Ecotype) 3. Contact Form. 025 LB PLS PANRIG02 Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 0. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 00 0. 7% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 10. 20 Phonetic Spelling PAN-ih-kum ver-GAY-tum Description. 1 to 3 wildflower Perennial pycnanthemum tenufoliumNarrowleaf Mountainmint, PA Ecotype 0. Switchgrass is a. 26. Digging Sod: 1. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. com. 00 % Chamaecrista nictitans, NC Ecotype Sensitive Pea, NC Ecotype 57. 20 8. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 8. 028 0. 00 % Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 31. 60 3. 282 0. Ernst Conservation Seeds 8884 Mercer Pike Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 sales@ernstseed. 00 % Panicum clandestinum, Tioga Deertongue, Tioga 22. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. Pennsylvania sedge Carex platyphylla broadleaf sedge Carex retroflexa reflexed sedge Carex siccata dryspike sedge Carex sparganioides bur-reed sedge FACU, FAC+. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 00 % Senna hebecarpa, VA & WV Ecotype Wild Senna, VA & WV Ecotype 28. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA. PA Ecotype New York Ironweed, PA Ecotype 264. 20 3. 028 0. 19. A plant that is necessary in any riparian or wetland mix, it is extremely common across the southeast in moist, lower elevations. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. 39. It is a novel ecosystem, built from the remnants of Hart Island and Miller Island using 100 million cubic yards of sediment dredged from Baltimore Harbor shipping channels between 1984 and 2009. Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center. 60 20. 00. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. Switch panicgrass is a North American native perennial drought-tolerant grass that is a palatable forage grass and is planted domestically and worldwide for range and wildlife habitat improvement. 0% Carex lupulina, PA Ecotype (Hop Sedge, PA Ecotype) 11. Social. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 60 3. 60 12. 00 % Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype 38. 60 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 12. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 10. 33. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 5% Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype (Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype)20. 03 0. 60 2. Newsletter. 60 3. 282 0. 80 5. 00. In Texas, it is found in the eastern half of the state. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 5. 80 20. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 60 3. 80 15. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 5. 50 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV. 25% redtop panicgrass, pa ecotype (panicum rigidulum (p. 0% Carex lurida, PA Ecotype (Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype) 13. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. IDnature guides: Hawaii flora; Plant genera; Poaceae genera Chicago; Links: Associates; Missouri Botanical Garden; 80x5 - 240x3 - 240x4 - 320x1 - 320x2 - 320x3 - 640x1 - 640x2Look at other dictionaries: Panicum rigidulum var. 0% Juncus effusus 1. 00 4. 00 % Panicum anceps, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 43. 00 % Senna hebecarpa, VA & WV Ecotype Wild Senna, VA & WV Ecotype 28. This native mix is designed for restoration projects on riparian sites in the Virginia Outer Coastal Plain. 5% Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype (Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype)5. 00 % Carex lupulina, PA Ecotype Hop Sedge, PA Ecotype 86. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype 7. revision. 20 2. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 34. About Hayefield. 6% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 9. Lespedeza cuneata $ 6. 50 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. Quick Links. Meadville, PA 16335 (800). 60 3. Species: Smooth Panicgrass, PA Ecotype. 00 % Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype 38. 20 18. 8% Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype) 11. to 5 p. Flora of North America North of Mexico. Herbaceous Plants. 60 6. 40 3. 20 1. 70 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 's Native Steep SIC attached seed mix pro Irrigate the slope until necessary E SWALE M FENCE D WETLAND , LLC ON 'tes) LIMIT OF BORDERING VEGETATE DELINEATED BY - CONSULTING AND RESTORATIOh. Hall's panicgrass (Panicum hallii, P. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 5% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 5. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 5. Contact Form. Add to Wishlist. FAC (Facultative, 34-66%) indicates roughly equal probabilites of finding the species growing. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 24. 855‐752‐6862 [email protected], PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 11, 2023 NC Retention Basin Mix - ERNMX-309. Highly d. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. long, stalked, tiny hairs at stalk-top 10. 00 While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not. 00 % Panicum virgatum, NJ Ecotype Switchgrass, NJ Ecotype 14. 36 5. 36 15. Join Mailing List. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 0% Juncus effusus10. 0% Helenium autumnale. Light Requirement: Sun - Partial Shade Zones: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Seeding Rate: 15 lb. 34. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 3. Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 0. Join Mailing List. 0. 0% Sorghastrum nutans, PA Ecotype (Indiangrass, PA Ecotype) 20. Shipping to US addresses only. 00 2. 45While the formula may change, the guiding philosophy and function of the mix will not. 00 % Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype 177. 00 % Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC. 60 5. 60 2. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 6. 60 8. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. We. 00 15. 03 0. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. Add to Project. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. 39. 60 3. 0% Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype (Path Rush, PA Ecotype) 1. 70 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 28. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA. 60 3. 60 5. 60 20. 80 3. 40 27. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 5. Mix formulations are subject to change without notice depending on the availability of existing and new products. 20 20. 5% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 5. 60 18. 00 5. 80 11. 6. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 43 2. For a20. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. 60 3. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 15, 2023 NJ Salt Tolerant Basin Mix - ERNMX-900 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 26. Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, FL Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype Lanceleaf Coreopsis 2. 022 0. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 22. 20 10. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. (Coleataenia rigidulum)Redtop Panicgrass 0. POACEAE: Wild-rice : Zizania aquatica: 1946: Asiatic wild-rice : Zizania latifolia* 1941 : Rice cut-grass : Leersia oryzoides: 1937,1966: White grass : Leersia virginicaRedtop panicgrass. 224 LB PLS PANANC01 Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 0. 00 5. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. Information from the Delaware Flora Checklist used with author's permission. 0% Juncus effusus6. 60 4. 0% Rudbeckia hirta (Blackeyed Susan) 2. 30 % 0. 70 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 00 % Juncus effusus, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Soft Rush, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 48. 8% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 18. Add to Project. 00 1. 00 % Agrostis perennans, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype Autumn Bentgrass, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype 16. 36 15. 30 % Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 31. Contact Form. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 17. Massachusetts. VA Southern Ridge & Valley Detention Basin Mix ERNMX-824 $ 65. 5% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. This plant is one of the more dominant species of. 8% Elymus virginicus (Virginia Wildrye) 11. Download Info Sheet. 20. 00% - Rudbeckia hirta | Blackeyed Susan 2. 0% Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype) 20. Flora of North America Editorial Committee. 60 5. 00 3. 5% Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype (Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype) 2. For livestock, it can serve as a feed source as it is palatable and easily digestible. 1. Pennsylvania bittercress Cardamine pratensis cuckoo flower Carex aquatilis water sedge Carex bicknellii Bicknell's sedge Carex bromoides brome-like sedge. 00 % Juncus effusus, Coastal. Relationships: Used as a host plant for Delaware Skipper. 25% redtop panicgrass, pa ecotype (panicum rigidulum (p. What's in the Mix? Schizachyrium scoparium,'Camper' (Little Bluestem, Camper') Elymus virginicus,PA Ecotype (Virginia Wildrye,PA Ecotype) Chasmanthium latifolium,WV Ecotype (River Oats) Panicum rigidulum,PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass) Agrostis perennans,Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype (Autumn Bentgrass) Carex vulpinoidea,PA. 2023. 26. 224 LB PLS PANANC01 Beaked Panicgrass, Eastern Shore MD Ecotype 0. Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype, Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype seed. 0% Verbena hastata, PA Ecotype (Blue Vervain, PA Ecotype)12. 4% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 0. 025 LB PLS PANRIG02 Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 0. and PA New Er and stabilizes the s10F with a mixture of lope Mix w/Annual Ryt ofiles. Mix Composition. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 2. Beaked panicgrass is a prolific seed producer. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Panicum - Panicgrass -- Discover LifeDiscover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Panicum - Panicgrass -- Discover LifeStudy with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like redtop panicgrass, velvet panicum, cane and more. 0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype (Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype)5. 8. Green Milkweed* Asclepias viridiflora x x x x x Calico Aster Aster lateriflorus x x x x x New England Aster Aster novae-angliae x x x Deer like this species Aromatic Aster Aster oblongifolius x x Limestone sites only Late Purple Aster Aster patens x x x x Heath Aster Aster pilosus x x x x x Zigzag Aster Aster prenanthoides x x x x x Purplestem Aster Aster. Add to Project. non-wetland setting. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype 7. fall panicgrass Panicum rigidulum redtop panicgrass Panicum virgatum switchgrass UPL, FACW Parietaria pensylvanica Pennsylvania pellitory FACU-, FACW-Parnassia glaucaHart-Miller Island (HMI) is a 1,140 acre island located in the upper Chesapeake Bay in Baltimore County, Maryland. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype)26. For livestock, it can serve as a feed source as it is palatable and easily digestible. 80Item Number: ERNMX-843. 5% Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 20. 00 % Elymus virginicus, Madison-NY Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, Madison-NY Ecotype 10. 80 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. Green Bulrush, PA Ecotype Cosmos (Bristly) Sedge, PA Ecotype Wood Reedgrass, PA EcoM)e Boneset, PA Ecotype Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype Sensitive Fem Redtop. 33. Red-top panicum is a grass. It is naturally found in moist to wet conditions, and grows best in full sun to part shade. 0% Juncus effusus20. 00 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 0% Carex lurida, Southeastern VA/Northeastern NC Ecotype blend (Lurid Sedge, Southeastern VA/Northeastern NC Ecotype blend) 15. seed mix germinates Hydroseed the slope v Inc. Wetland Indicator reflects the estimated probability of the species being found in a wetland setting vs. 0% Juncus effusus 2. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 0% Juncus effusus (Soft. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 60 13. Eastern Time. 2% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 6. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 3. 00 % Juncus effusus Soft Rush 48. 77 9. 0% Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype (Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype) 3. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 9. 96 1. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 9. 18. 60 12. 60 12. PA Ecotype Wild Bergamot, Fort Ir New York Ironweed, P Common Sneezeweed,. 80 10. (Green Bulrush)39. 60 6. 00 % Heliopsis helianthoides, PA Ecotype Oxeye Sunflower, PA Ecotype 33. 00 % Panicum virgatum, 'Carthage', NC Ecotype Switchgrass, 'Carthage', NC Ecotype 11. CONC 112 AGE 114. 50 % Scirpus cyperinus, Coastal. 34. 00 % Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype 81. United States, District of Columbia, Washington. 58 20. to 5 p. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. Beaked Panicgrass, VA Ecotype Bunchgrass; provides food and cover for wildlife; forage is of good value for cattle; seeds are eaten by upland birds. 50 % Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype River Oats, WV Ecotype 96. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 27. 00% – Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype | Redtop Panicgrass; 3. stipitatum), pa ecotype) 16% virginia wildrye, pa ecotype (elymus virginicus, pa ecotype) 16% alkaligrass, 'fults' (puccinellia distans, 'fults') 15% fowl bluegrass (poa palustris) 10% creeping bentgrass (agrostis stolonifera) 10% ticklegrass (rough bentgrass), pa ecotype (agrostis scabra. (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 15. 00 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 20. 00 0. The morphological diversity of the inflorescence determines flower and seed production, which is critical for plant adaptation. 00 % Helenium autumnale, Northern VA Ecotype Common Sneezeweed, Northern VA Ecotype 216. 53 14. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. 282 0. 00 % Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype 7. Contact Form. 60 20. 25% redtop panicgrass, pa ecotype (panicum rigidulum (p. The native perennial forbs and grasses provide food and cover for rain garden biodiversity. 20 Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. C. 10. m. non-wetland setting. 00 % Panicum rigidulum, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype 57. 6% Gaillardia pulchella (Annual Gaillardia (Indian Blanket)) 4. 00 % Carex lupulina, PA Ecotype Hop Sedge, PA Ecotype 86. 0% Panicum clandestinum, Tioga (Deertongue, Tioga) 5. CONC 112 AGE 114. [web application]. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 3. 0% Carex albolutescens, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype (Greenwhite Sedge, Coastal Plain NC Ecotype) 27. 0% Rudbeckia hirta (Blackeyed Susan) 2. 0% Carex scoparia, PA Ecotype (Blunt Broom Sedge, PA Ecotype)20. Panicgrass (Redtop) Panicgrass (Smooth) Milkweed (Swamp) Milkweed (Butterfly) Milkweed (Common) Blueflag Iris. 25. Social. Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 14, 2023 VA Northern Ridge & Valley Retention Basin Mix - ERNMX-813 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 25. 50 % Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype 57. 00 % Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 31. 00 3. 0% Chasmanthium latifolium, WV Ecotype (River Oats, WV Ecotype) 3. 72 Add to cart; Add to Wishlist. It is one of the main species being considered as a biofuel crop, but calculations of carbon emissions savings need to include the effects of. 50 % Carex lurida, PA Ecotype Lurid Sedge, PA Ecotype 67. 00 % Rudbeckia hirta Blackeyed Susan 31. 0% Rudbeckia hirta (Blackeyed Susan) 8. 60 % Gaillardia pulchella Annual Gaillardia (Indian Blanket) 48. 80 3. 20. 00 % Elymus virginicus, PA Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, PA Ecotype 10. 00 % Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype 28. Showy Tickseed (Bur Marigold) Cornflower (Bachelor's Button) Partridge Pea. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 5. 80 3. Endangered, Threatened, and Rarity Information; This plant is listed by the U. 00 % Agrostis perennans, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype Autumn Bentgrass, Albany Pine Bush-NY Ecotype 16. For a cover crop: grain rye (1 Sep. Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype. 0% Elymus riparius, PA Ecotype (Riverbank Wildrye, PA Ecotype) 15. 40Meadville, PA 16335 (800) 873-3321 Fax (814) 336-5191 Date: November 21, 2023 SC Coastal Plain FACW Mix - ERNMX-402 Botanical Name Common Name Price/Lb 40. 00 % Heliopsis helianthoides, PA. 00 % Elymus virginicus, AR Ecotype Virginia Wildrye, AR Ecotype 9. Newsletter. I seed mix germinates Hydroseed the slope Inc. 20 % Asclepias incarnata, PA Ecotype Swamp Milkweed, PA Ecotype 177. 0% Carex vulpinoidea, PA Ecotype (Fox Sedge, PA Ecotype) 5. 63 6. 30 % Juncus effusus Juncus tenuis, PA Ecotype Soft. 45 7. 40 3. 0% Panicum rigidulum, PA Ecotype (Redtop Panicgrass, PA Ecotype) 3. 0% Chamaecrista fasciculata, PA Ecotype (Partridge Pea, PA Ecotype) 28.